09 June 2008

Anak Pembaca Cerita

That boy come when District Kurulu Children's Day. Pak Yance, as Field Motivator, say this child can read a story in front of many people. He has courage and self confidence. Then, he reads the story. That moment, he is a 'saviour' for us, because he wants to read a children story about their daily activities.

Time goes by, the boy has grown up and he comes to Wamena to have higher education, Senior High School. There is no senior high in his village. I meet him as Pedicab Man (man who rides becak). My heart is broken how can life be like this for them....

As a person who works and serves in NGO, what i have done for children like this ? I keep questioning but i cannot answer it until now. I keep saying to my self, you have done what you can do, but i realize, i am not giving it all....

By the time being, i hope i can give MORE as i have received MORE....

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