14 June 2010

Ngumpul lagiii

Yesterday, 13th June 2010, my mother and I went to my 2nd brother, JMP Aritonang, after went home from church, and bought 2 packet lotek and 2 more spicy lotek . My 1st brother, JFM Aritonang already at my brother's house. We had lunch together with lotek, tempe, ikan asin and kerupuk. A healthy food for our family who have obesity :)
I enjoyed our meals, talked, moment. My mother and brothers are amazing people. They work hard to get what they have now. I feel different with them but they accept me and consider me as underdog (anak bawang).
I remember when I was a child, as an underdog, I can play with my brothers and friends without bound the rules. I liked that very much. On second thought, in this real life, I expect the same condition happens to me that all people should make everything easier for me, help me. But as my brother always tell me, "LIFE IS CRUEL".
For 4years, I kept thinking an ideal world, that poorer people should be helped. They were our responsibilites. We could not let them. How could we live our lives if others' were miserable.
And now, I see the reality, I cannot do anything if I do not have money. 'Money talks' is true in here, a place I live now. I cannot continue my education to higher level if I do not have money 75milion :
1. 8.5 milionx4 semester= 34 milion+DP 5 milion = 39 milion. That is my tuition fee.
2. How about my daily living ? I calculate I need at least 1.5 milion/month to pay accomodation, meals, transportion and other equipment. For 4 semester I will need 1.5 milionx24month = 36 milion.
I really want to study and apply my attained knowledge for the best of interest for other. I hope I can get scholarship. Amin.

My family helps me to live in reality. Face the reality, Jo...
Next time, I am gonna tell you about my lovely father. I really miss him.

12 June 2010

Road of Ford Foundation Scholarship

This is the interwiew location for Region VI.
When I took this picture, I hope those who need info about Hotel Pantai Gapura Makassar will get the info. This hotel can be reached from Wisma Jampea by becak 5minutes and I paid Rp. 5.000 or walking for 10minutes. Wisma Jampea can be reached from airport by Taxi, I took Bosowa, and I paid Rp. 80.000.

Near the Hotel Pantai Gapura Makassar, there is Somba Opu street, a place to buy gift from Makassar. I chose Toko Ujung to buy Pisang Manis syrup, 'Ayam' roasted peanut, dodol durian Palopo and canary peanut 'Surya'. From what I have bought, I like 'Ayam' roasted peanut most.

In Toko Unggul, I bought typical fabric from Bugis. I like the design. I plan to make skirt. I cannot wait.

Fade out

Actually, I have been thinking about this a lot since my friend from Computer Science 2000 GK had passed away. I remember that he was nice and friendly. I spoke to him rarely yet sometimes I remember that he was in the grave and not live on earth anymore. Maybe, I'm gonna see him in heaven.
That makes me think, for how long we are given this life ? There's nothing eternal in this world. For how long my lovely dog will live ? For how long my mom will live ? my family ? me ? I have no answer for that question. My pray is that all will live as long as possible, according to God's purpose.
I know that my heart will be very sad when the day will come. That makes me more appreciate the time with my mom and family.
While I was in Papua, I will spend time with my family once a year for 1-2 week.
Now, I am in Bandung, I really enjoy the day by day time with my mom and my family.
I can call it : Now is a blessing.
Because, maybe, the time won't come again to me when one by one will be faded out.
I have in my mind this reflection.

07 June 2010

Ford Foundation Scholarship

Are you planning to take postgraduate and get scholarship from Ford Foundation ?
It means you have the same plan with me.

17 May 2010

Rumah Dokter di Kamur, Kec Pantai Kasuari, Kab Asmat, Papua

This is the house doctor at the health center Kamur. The house was occupied with dr. LV, dr. M, n dr. J. There also appeared to the inside. If you need to see, please contact me.
Actually, the location of doctor's house near Puskesmas. My friend, Ms. V and I used to spent the night there while dr. M spent night at other villages. It was memorable time. We cooked, slept, ate, worked little. The atmosphere in the morning so calmly, just like having vacation only the difference the location is isolated.
People's voice from the Puskesmas made me realize I lived in the world. dr. L V went to Puskesmas, I just read a book, watched movie (so lucky there's laptop).

At noon, we watched people through the front of the house. Where did they go ?
Usually, when Buton ship landed there to sell their belongings, people would have look around, without buy the things.

Sometimes, at night, dr. L V was called to come to Puskesmas to see the patient. Don't imagine there was light in the house. It would dark when jenset was not working. The battery power can be used to switch the light on in the living room. The insect would come to us and made our bodies itchy.

I like the silent morning moment. I feel I just live for that moment.

Registration Test at SMPN 1 Pantai Kasuari

It is a big moment for children who graduate from elementary school. They will continue their study to SMPN 1 Pantai Kasuari with a big hope that they will learn more. They will have 3 test : writing, reading and calculating test.
Most children find difficulties for both test, they write and read very slow. They read spelled 2 or 3 words, it seems odd. Because in that age, they should have the ability to read paragraphs.

How can i stand still with that condition ? I hope there is something I can do that will bring good effort to those children. You deserve it, coz that is your rigt!

Tes Pendaftaran SMPN 1 Pantai Kasuari

16 May 2010

SD Inpres Yankap

20 March 2010

I went to SD Inpres Yankap, Kecamatan Pantai Kasuari, Kabupaten Asmat to process child annual report. It was fascinating moment since it was raining and I went there with boat with 25pk engine, it seemed the distance between my place to SD Inpres Yankap seemed so far because it took 1 hour to go there. Can you imagine yourself exposed to rain ? Let me show you the videos i took.

Many children there and they don't wear shoes. Ah, children, yet, you seem happy without life burdens. I wish I can come back there and see you all.
God bless you, students of SD Inpres Yankap!

15 May 2010

Road to Pasca Sarjana UGM 2

Malam friends.

Hari ini aku bangun jam 5.30 pagi, masih terkantuk-kantuk. Biasanya, aku mengajak jalan anjing kesayanganku, ciki (tetangga memanggilnya 'cikita'), tetapi pagi ini aku sibuk untuk pergi ke Puskesmas Kopo jam 7 pagi. Syukurlah, tepat jam 7, aku dan mama berangkat ke pasar untuk membeli kue untuk abangku yang akan datang dari Jakarta.
Jam 7.30 aku udah tiba di Puskesmas tanpa mengetahui harus mengambil kartu antrian. Agak menyesal telat mengetahuinya, sehingga aku mendapat nomor antri 7. Tapi, aku legowo aja menerimanya. Untuk pendaftaran aku membayar Rp. 2.000. Dokter memanggilku, menimbang berat badanku. Untung juga timbangannya ngadat, jadi beratku menjadi 71kg. Dia mengukur tinggi badanku, 154 cm (lebih rendah 1 cm dr tinggi badanku yang selama ini aku ketahui). Aku meminta 2 lembar Surat Keterangan Kesehatan Badan, tetapi dia mengusulkan untuk aku mem-fotocopy-nya 5 lembar dan melegalisirnya. Aku membayar Rp. 5.000 untuk surat tersebut.
Asalnya, aku berencana untuk nanti saja kubuat legalisir itu. Tetapi waktu masih cukup untuk aku memfotocopy surat tersebut di pertigaan Kopo Permai. Biaya fotocopy Rp. 800. Aku kembali ke Puskesmas, menemui TU untuk melegalisirnya. Aku tidak dikenai biaya. Jadi, total biaya untuk surat tersebut Rp. 7.800. Cukup murah tetapi lama sekali aku menunda pengurusan surat tersebut.

Aku lalu pergi ke Pasir Koja untuk menjemput abangku dan mengantarnya ke Polres Cimahi untuk mengurus SIM A dan C. Untung Masa berlaku SIM A dan C-ku habis tahun depan. Dan entah di mana aku berada di tahun 2011.

Untuk mengejar mimpiku, aku kudu konsisten dan membuat perencanaan dengan matang.
Tolong aku ya Tuhan Yesus. I really need You.

14 May 2010

Road to Pasca Sarjana UGM

Malam ini aku sangat lelah, padahal kemarin libur Hari Kenaikan Tuhan Yesus, tetapi sudah berniat untuk mengisi form Proyeksi Keinginan yang sudah lama tertunda sejak bln Maret 2010.
Udah 2 bln ya ? Aku sibuk memikirkan hal-hal lain yang kurang prioritas. Istilahnya tuh 'KURANG FOKUS'.
Pada saat pembayaran uang pendaftaran dan melakukan pemilihan jurusan, aku begitu semangat karena jurusan sosial yang aku minati ada di UGM dan biaya kuliah per semesternya gak terlalu mahal, dibandingkan dengan universitas lain. Utk 3 semester, total biayanya 24jt. Kalo univ di LN bisa mencapai angka ratusan juta, kalo univ di Indo bisa mencapai angka 30-50jt. Sekolah memang membutuhkan biaya mahal ya. Coba ada subsidi 50% dari Pemerintah, mungkin udah banyak penduduk yang bergelar Master dan dapat berkarya lebih maksimal di negeri ini.

Setelah aku melakukan pendaftaran online, aku sempet merasa salah mengambil pilihan jurusan karena ada Magister Studi Kebijakan,.
Inilah juga kelemahanku, kurang mau mencari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya. Maunya yang udah jadi, serba instan.
Tetapi setelah diteliti, lebih baik memilih jurusan Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan, Fak ISIP. Karena aku akan berfokus pada kebijakan sosial dalam tataran teoritis hingga implementasi.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah menghubungi Pemberi Rekomendasi dan meminta mereka untuk memberikan surat rekomendasi s/d 15 Mei 2010. Syukurlah suratnya udah aku dapatkan. Thanks to 2 my recommender =)

Pada tanggal 22 April 2010, aku mengikuti tes :
Sudah 2x mengikuti tes serupa) dan merasa tidak kesulitan dengan tes ini. Malah aku sangat suka akan tes ini.
2. TPA
Nah ini, baru pertama kali dan rada gugup juga. Sebenarnya agak rada PeDe karena Psikolog UNPAD memberi pernyataan tentang ak : "Kalo soal kemampuan, kamu mampu." Syukurlah, pada saat tes, kepanikannya hilang dan aku terus berdoa supaya konsentrasi dan melakukan yang terbaik. Aku kesulitan dalam tes Ruang. Susah membayangkan kubus dll yang dibolak-balik, dan di bagian ini, aku tidak bisa menyelesaikan analisa Ruang. Yah sudahlah, mau diapain lagi.

Setelah itu, mengisi form yang seharusnya sudah dikerjakan dari tadi dan besok ke Puskesmas untuk mengurus surat kesehatan.

Hari Senin, mengirim berkas ke UGM. I hope everything will be run smoothly. Amin.